
IPCO Plug Kit
Range in mm
Pull rod extension
Pull Rod extension
Removal tool
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IPCO Plug Kit Range in mm Pull rod Positioner Pull Rod extension Removal tool
IPX4-195-X 19,5 - 22,0 IPST08M IPX4-PPB195 IPSTV-M08-300 IPVGX4-195-220
IPX4-215-X 21,5 - 24,0 IPST08M IPX4-PPB215 IPSTV-M08-300 IPVGX4-215-240
IPX4-265-X 26,5 - 29,0 IPST08M IPX4-PPB265 IPSTV-M10-300 IPVGX4-340-365
IPX4-315-X 31,5 - 34,0 IPST08M IPX4-PPB265 IPSTV-M10-300 IPVGX4-340-365
IPX4-340-X 34,0 - 36,5 IPST08M IPX4-PPB265 IPSTV-M10-300 IPVGX4-340-365
IPX4-390-X 39,0 - 41,5 IPST08M IPX4-PPB265 IPSTV-M10-300 IPVGX4-340-365
IPX4-415-X 41,5 - 44,0 IPST08M IPX4-PPB265 IPSTV-M10-300 IPVGX4-340-365
IPX4-135-X 13,5 – 14,5 IPST06M IPX4-PPB135 IPSTV-M06-300 IPVGX4-135-175
IPX4-145-X 14,5 – 16,0 IPST06M IPX4-PPB145 IPSTV-M06-300 IPVGX4-135-175
IPX4-155-X 15,5 - 17,0 IPST06M IPX4-PPB155 IPSTV-M06-300 IPVGX4-135-175

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